Turning waste into valuable asset- Manure Management Concepts for Your Dairy

Every farmer is eager to keep the losses at a minimum and increase profits where possible.Therefore, turning waste into valuable asset is important for dairy farmers.Environmentally friendly manure management is key to sustainable and profitable farming. Agriprom provides entire manure management systems to turn waste into valuable asset. Benefit best from what at first glance seems like waste, and a lot of it.A single cow can produce up to 30 kg of waste in just one day. This means that no matter how small or large a farm you have, if you want to manage the manure produced per day the use of innovative technology and efficient manure management systems are important. Using a better manure management system not only helps to keep the farm clean but also supports its use in other aspects such as productivity and food safety. The right manure scraper , separator and pumping & mixing equipment for your barn are deciding. To ensure food safety and animal and staff welfare...